Medical Qi Gong
Medical Qigong is the skill of cultivating vital energy, and the ability to work with the electromagnetic energy of the body.
These treatments can help with the disruptions in this energy that occur throughout our lifetime as a result of poor diet, sedentary lifestyle, injuries, surgery, suppression of emotions, stress, and aging.

External Qigong / Qi Emission (MQG)
- Most find treatments extremely relaxing and rejuvenating.
- This technique is performed to purge and release toxic emotions from within the body’s tissues, eliminate energetic stagnations, as well as strengthen, and regulate the internal organs, immune system, and energetic fields.
- When patients are ill and their own level of Qi is low or stagnant, receiving Qi from a Qigong practitioner can prove to be a powerful stimulant toward recovery.

30 – 60 mins | $$$
Recommend 1x per week with 1 – 5 treatments total for best results.
Uses: to release toxic emotions and energy, and to strengthen, and regulate the internal organs, immune system, and energetic fields.
Often combined with acupuncture
Wellness Intake
We will sit and do a full intake of your health and issues.
I will take your pulses, and look at your tongue to assess more knowledge of your condition/wellness.
Sometimes I do a belly diagnosis as well when you are on the table.
Our Process
Qi can pass through air and clothing, the practitioner often works about a foot away from the patient’s body, and sometimes lightly touches to manipulate and guide the movement of Qi.
The patient may feel sensations as the Qi moves, such as warmth, tingling, coolness, vibration, and sometimes twitching as the stagnant energy releases, and with eyes closed may see visualizations as well.
After Care
As one of the primary goals of treatment is to release toxic emotions from within the body’s tissues, having an emotional release during or after treatment is extremely beneficial to one’s health and trifold nature.
Generally, people who receive external Qigong treatment from a Qigong practitioner, are encouraged to simultaneously do their own internal practice.
Exercises may be given after treatments.

Internal Qigong
This form of qigong is practiced by the patient to achieve a specific purpose, and is typically simple breathing and movement exercises or seated meditations.
- Internal Qigong practice or self treatment is a major part of Qigong therapy.
- A form of psycho-physiological self-regulation, internal qigong regulates the Qi of the body for the purposes of harmonizing internal energy systems for health enhancement and disease prevention.